This generator will draft a short speech lasting up to about 6 or 7 minutes, or you can use the generated sections as the basis for a much longer presentation. The AI system currently limits the length of the speech to around 800 words - this will be increased in due course. Keywords: Speech, Talk, Presentation, Draft, Ideas, Stage, Microphone
1 step
How to prepare a presentation using TeacherMatic and then convert it into a formatted PowerPoint slideshow. Please note that converting to PowerPoint requires recent versions of both Word and PowerPoint to be available.
11 steps
This tool produces a draft PowerPoint presentation in PPTX file format, including some text for each slide and, where possible, can include images to support the text. Please note that this generator uses one generation for each slide produced. See also the Slideshow Generator, which produces draft text-only content for a slideshow presentation. Keywords: Slideshow; Slides; PowerPoint; PPT; Speaker; Notes; Presentation;
17 steps
This generator will create a LinkedIn and Facebook post and an X Tweet for use in marketing or publicity or as an announcement to students or parents. The item can have a named topic allowing the use to enter further details with a date and time and provide a key contact person involved along with contact phone number and email address. Keywords: Social; Media; Twitter; x; Linked; Facebook; Instagram; Post; Event; Announcement; Publicity; Marketing;
1 step
transcript from a YouTube video, or by setting up transcription during a Google Meet or Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting. You can find details of how to do this for many types of source material at the bottom of this window.
1 step
When you want to know what people think about a course, or about the lunches in the canteen, or where they would like to visit on an Arts trip or whether changing the length of the learning day is a good idea, a well-written survey is essential. This generator will give you the basis of a survey which you can then amend to meet your exact needs. Keywords: Survey; Response; Opinion; Ask; Answer; Question;
1 step
This generator will create a last-minute, urgent press release for use in marketing or publicity on a named topic allowing the user to enter details of an event with a date and time and a reason the message is an urgent one. The user can also provide a key person involved along with their contact details. Keywords: Press; Release; Announcement; Event; Marketing; publicity; Contact;
1 step
This generator will create a last-minute, urgent press release for use in marketing or publicity on a named topic allowing the user to enter details of an event with a date and time and a reason the message is an urgent one. The user can also provide a key person involved along with their contact details. Keywords: Press; Release; Announcement; Event; Marketing; publicity; Contact; Urgent;
1 step
Reference writing is a very personal skill requiring careful attention and can be required for numerous reasons and purposes. TeacherMatic will not produce the finished reference, but can supply you with an outline text on which to base your further editing. Keywords: Reference; Draft; Personal; Statement; Job;
1 step
This generator will create a newsletter item for use in marketing, publicity or in a staff e-zine. The user provides a named topic or event, some additional details, a date and a key person involved along with their job role. The generator will usually create a quote from the key person which can easily be replaced by an authentic quote from the person involved in the event. Keywords: News; Newsletter; Announcement; Publicity; Marketing; Handout; Flyer;
1 step
This generator will create an event invitation for use in marketing or publicity or for sending to students, parents and carers. The invitation is on a named topic allowing the user to enter a location of the event with a date and time and a key person involved along with their contact details. Users can also provide details of the benefits to readers of attending the event. Keywords: Event; Invite; Invitation; Attend; Marketing; Publicity; Welcome; Contact;
1 step
Writing an email, or responding to one, is not always easy. This generator will analyse the text of an email you have received and suggest a draft reply for you to adapt to the exact situation. Keywords: Email; Reply; Respond; Answer; Send; Letter; Communication; Mail; Draft;
1 step
This generator will help you to write an email - a frequent administrative task which often needs care and tact. You may want to encourage, cajole, instruct or even warn the recipient so given some basic information, you will be offered a draft email to be personalised and edited as necessary before sending. Omit personally identifying data if you can - add these in your own email application. Keywords: Email; Send; Letter; Communication; Mail; Draft;
1 step
Preparing an announcement of any event in a way which encourages people to come and be an audience, or perhaps to take part, can take time. You have to make sure all the details are included, and you must get the tone right. Keywords: Announce; Announcement; Information; Publicise; Publicity; Event;
1 step
It can be useful to be able to summarise or precis a piece of text. This may be in order to give learners a more concise instruction or source text to work on than the original example. It may also be helpful if you wish to check the accuracy of the source text, since in summarising it, TeacherMatic may find - and repeat - errors that you are not noticing in the source. Keywords: Summarise; Summary; Precis; Shorten; Simplify;
1 step
Whereas a dictionary will normally give a basic definition of a word (or sometimes a phrase), a glossary entry is more descriptive. It can be useful to ask learners to come up with their own glossary definitions for words and concepts related to a specific topic, but if you need a starting point, this generator will do the job for you. Keywords: Glossary; Words; Similar; Description; Describe; Explain; Dictionary; Thesaurus;
14 steps