This category displays all current generators in all categories.
Planning a course is one of the most time-consuming preparation tasks, so this generator (which we also call the Course Planner) may become your go-to tool before the start of a term or a semester or a series of training sessions. It should take on a lot of the spade work and leave you to concentrate on your teaching rather than your planning. Keywords: Scheme; Plan; Sessions; Lessons; Year; Term; Semester; Pattern; Course;
18 steps
This revised generator will draft an outline plan for your proposed session. In addition to the main thrust of the session It also takes into account particular topics you want to cover, and can focus on specific skills such as literacy or numeracy. Optionally specify one or more learning needs and/or use particular pedagogical models. Keywords: Lesson; Session; Planning; Pedagogical; Bloom; SOLO; Rosenshine; Needs; Learning; Cross Curricular; Skills;
1 step
Draft an exam question based on an original existing text question, using a similar topic or simply emulating the original style. Keywords: Exam; Example; Copy; Style; Practice; Test; Assess.
13 steps
Generate a student profile based on a number of student characteristics. Keywords: Student; Learner; Profile; Report; Describe; Reference;
10 steps
Somebody has raised a question, or a concern, or is upset, or mentions something in the news. This generator will help you find a way of following it up. Keywords: Primary; Question; Concern; Upset; Sensitive; Group; Discuss; Hint; Suggestion;
15 steps
This generator takes the content of a YouTube video and uses it as the basis for a lesson plan or for a number of potential classroom (or independent) study tools. Using the result of this generator, you can get the learners to watch the video - giving them specific points to watch out for if you wish - and then present them with a quiz or some practical projects. Note that some videos do not allow this process but this is rare. Keywords: YouTube; Video; Transcript; View; Watch; Movie; Animation
10 steps
Marking rubrics are scoring guides used to help evaluate the quality of student work. A marking rubric normally includes a set of criteria for grading assignments, and contains marking criteria for levels of achievement, and a scoring strategy. Rubrics can help to improve scoring consistency, both personal and across a team. The Rubric Generator will provide a useful result on which to base your detailed rubric. Keywords: Rubric; Marking; Grading; Grades; Marks; Assess; Criteria; Work; Score;
13 steps
Discussing a topic with the whole class, or breaking into groups for a discussion, can be useful way both to reinforce learning and measure depth of understanding. This generator will suggest topics for discussion based on one or more keywords or phrases, or on a document (such as a handout) which you upload. Keywprds: Discussion; Debate; Talk; Argue; Propound; Group; Assess;
12 steps
Plenary sessions normally bring together all learners at the end of a session. A final plenary session involving the whole class helps to spread the learning from the individuals or groups, and gives an opportunity for everyone to share their experiences. This generator will give you ideas of activities and discussion areas to ensure that the plenary session is effective. Keywords: Plenary; Lesson; Session; Finishing; Ending; Recap; Group; Final;
14 steps
This tool produces a draft PowerPoint presentation in PPTX file format, including some text for each slide and, where possible, can include images to support the text. Please note that this generator uses one generation for each slide produced. See also the Slideshow Generator, which produces draft text-only content for a slideshow presentation. Keywords: Slideshow; Slides; PowerPoint; PPT; Speaker; Notes; Presentation;
17 steps
Generate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets to help meet your goals. Specific: Be clear about the desired outcome. Measurable: Decide how to judge whether the outcome has been achieved. Attainable: Be realistic - is the outcome actually possible? Relevant: Does the desired outcome fit within or be related to your goal? Time-bound (sometimes expressed as time-based): When must the targets be met, or what is the timescale? Keywords in content.
13 steps
Flash Cards are a useful tool for both reinforcing teaching and testing learning. Perhaps show a word or concept on one side of a card, get some ideas from the class and then show a definition on the reverse to kick start the teaching, or use the cards by showing definitions and testing class knowledge. The Flash Card generator creates fronts and backs to be edited (and printed) as you wish.
11 steps
You know what you want to teach. You know your topic very well. But you canât come up with a good title for the course or module or unit. This generator does it for you, and if possible adds a short descriptive subtitle for you to edit to meet your exact requirements. Keywords: Name; Course; Title; Describe; Contents; Summarise; Subtitle;
1 step
This generator will provide suggested activities to use with learners. Whether you need practical or academic activities, your careful input will provide you with ideas which you can then adapt for your own specific needs. TeacherMatic will provide a variety of activities. Keywords: Learning; Activities; Projects; Ideas; Active; Doing; Practical; Practice; Reinforce;
15 steps
This is a very popular generator. There is plenty of scope for giving TeacherMatic the guidance it needs to provide you a choice of useful multiple choice questions (and answers!) by entering some keywords and, if you wish, pointing to a particularly relevant website and/or to uploading a favourite document of your own. Keywords: Questions; Quiz; Test; Assess; Learning; MCQ; Answers;
16 steps
TeacherMatic offers a large number of tools - which we call generators - to help you with lots of tasks. Sometimes it may not be obvious that a particular generator can help with a particular task, so weâve developed this tool to help you. It uses an Artificial Intelligence approach to search through all the generators and try to identify those you might like to take a look at to help with a task, and usually adds some additional ideas that might also be helpful. Keywords: Help; Search; Find
11 steps
Although you may be sure of its overall purpose, it may be difficult to break a lesson down into a series of individual objectives as the scaffolding from which to build to a successful outcome. This generator should help you determine a number of objectives which can be dealt with individually and help create complete rounded lessons. Keywords: Lesson; Session; Objectives; Purposes; Reason; Separate; Split;
15 steps
Find questions you can use in class to help deliver, promote, validate and test knowledge in a particular subject area. Results can be used both as brainstorm seeds and for group work. Questions can lean towards âclosedâ (fairly simple âfixedâ answers which can either be right or wrong), or âopenâ (which require the learner to elaborate on their answers). Keywords: Classroom; Questions; Test; Assess; Knowledge; Understanding; Closed; Open; Brainstorm; Groups;
16 steps
TeacherMatic has a number of tools to create quizzes and questions to help gauge learning. The True or False generator is extremely easy to use and depending on how specific you make the request it can build an excellent bank of questions to use in class or in worksheets. Keywords: Quiz; Quizzes; Test; Classroom; Class; Assess; True; False; Questions;
1 step
Projects and activities are often great for imparting and reinforcing knowledge, but they are not always easy to think of and plan. This generator is just the tool you need to suggest some projects relating to a particular topic. You can describe the topic briefly or in detail, and if you know of a good website which deals with the topic you can add that as extra information for TeacherMatic to work on. Keywords: Plan; Project; Ideas; Suggestions; Reinforce; Activity;
1 step
Whereas a dictionary will normally give a basic definition of a word (or sometimes a phrase), a glossary entry is more descriptive. It can be useful to ask learners to come up with their own glossary definitions for words and concepts related to a specific topic, but if you need a starting point, this generator will do the job for you. Keywords: Glossary; Words; Similar; Description; Describe; Explain; Dictionary; Thesaurus;
14 steps
This generator will produce topics that the class can debate (rather than just answer). Keywords: Debate; Discuss; Ideas; Disagree; Sides; Argue; Activity;
15 steps
It is often useful at the beginning of a lesson to recap learning from the previous session. This generator will read a previous lesson plan (in MS Word or PDF format) and list its key points, allowing you to remind learners of that lesson and potentially carry out some brief formative assessment to ensure any learning gaps are filled. There is only one thing you need: a previous lesson plan file to upload. Keywords: Recap; Recapitulate; Revise; Revisit, Reminder; Lesson; Repeat;
1 step
Meet someone from history or someone in entertainment or a fictional character! Use this generator to prepare for a lesson, or allow learners to suggest a person and a question theyâd like to ask, then let TeacherMatic come up with a possible answer in class. Understand that this is AI speaking, not the actual person, and that some some replies may contain controversial statements or display only one side of an argument. Keywords: Famous; Celebrity; Historical; Individual; Fiction; Views;
1 step
Need some expert advice from a plumber, or a sociologist, or a chef, or a copywriter? TeacherMatic will try to help. The results may not give you the whole picture, but they should form a good starting point for your research. If you want to hear from a named individual (or group of individuals) you can use the "Ask Someone Famous" generator instead. Check with a real expert if any safety critical matters are involved. Keywords: Expert; Expertise; Technique; Specialist; Process; How; Steps;
1 step
This generator will suggest some laboratory sessions to aid learning and comprehension, and possibly to assess learning on a particular topic. You can describe the topic briefly or in detail, and if you know of a good website which deals with the topic you can add that as extra information for TeacherMatic to work on. Keywords: Laboratory; Lab; Science; Experiment; Project; Workshop; Equipment; Chemistry; Physics;
1 step
Sometimes questions or concerns arise which are difficult to deal with in the abstract. This generator will suggest real world scenarios which might be used to examine a particular issue, making it easier to deal with, and will offer alternative approaches to those scenarios. This can also offer a good starting point for classroom discussions or debates. Keywords: Scenario; Scene; Imagine; Reality;
1 step
It can be useful to be able to summarise or precis a piece of text. This may be in order to give learners a more concise instruction or source text to work on than the original example. It may also be helpful if you wish to check the accuracy of the source text, since in summarising it, TeacherMatic may find - and repeat - errors that you are not noticing in the source. Keywords: Summarise; Summary; Precis; Shorten; Simplify;
1 step
Rather than generating a full lesson plan, you may sometimes just need suggestions of a number of topics to cover during a session or to use to draft an assignment. This generator simply needs to know a little about the overall topic to produce a list of notes which can help you. Keywords: Topic; Notes; Ideas; Sections; Headings; Plan;
1 step
This generator is similar to the Topic Notes version, but simply gives you a list of potential topics which might be covered in a particular subject, without any further detail. This can often give you a basic outline into which to build your own detailed content. Keywords: Topic; Section; Summary; Ideas; Split;
1 step
When you need a book to share with your learners, or you just want to read up a subject in more detail that you'd find in an online search, this generator can be very useful. It will produce a reading list which you can then check out in the library, at a local bookshop or through a reputable online bookseller. Keywords: Read; Reading; Book; Booklist; Text; Library;
1 step
This generator produces draft content for a slideshow presentation, including, for each slide, a title, relevant headlines (bullet points) and speaker notes. Where possible it will also recommend a relevant image for each slide. The resultant draft can then be manually copied and pasted into your preferred presentation application, such as PowerPoint. Keywords: Slideshow; Slides; PowerPoint;PPT; Speaker; Notes; Presentation;
15 steps
An analogy can be used to describe one thing by comparing it or likening it to another, often for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Analogies are usually based on similes. TeacherMaticâs Analogy Maker will help you find new ways to describe a concept. Keywords: Analogy; Concept; Simile; Metaphor; Explain; Explanation; Clarify; Clarification; Describe; Description.
1 step
Preparing an announcement of any event in a way which encourages people to come and be an audience, or perhaps to take part, can take time. You have to make sure all the details are included, and you must get the tone right. Keywords: Announce; Announcement; Information; Publicise; Publicity; Event;
1 step
This generator provides a series of prompts which will guide someone conducting a staff appraisal in a named subject specialism and topic, providing the appraiser with a set of prompt questions to take into the appraisal session. Keywords: Appraisal; Teaching; Standards; Interview; Staff; Prompts;
1 step
Writing new assignment parameters can be a time consuming task. This generator will do the bulk of the work for you, creating a draft which you can edit to meet your exact needs. Keywords: Assignment; Assess; Assessment; Test; Parameters; Rubric;
1 step
This generator uses the recognised 'GROW' (Goal: Reality: Options: Way Forward) model to provide a series of prompts and questions that a coach can use when conducting a coaching CPD session with a colleague. The generator will use the recognised GROW coaching model to provide a framework of prompts for the coaching session. Kwywords: GROW; Coaching; Prompts; Ideas; CPD; Development; Professional; Staff; Improve;
1 step
Promoting a course (or part of a course) is a task most teachers and administrators will need to undertake at times. Here is a simple way to come up with some âsales blurbâ! Keywords: Course; Descriptions; Contents; Describe; Advertise; Publicise; Blurb; Sales;
1 step
However good we may be at designing our teaching, there will be times when we need some inspiration, or when we need to revisit our course planning to look at how we can further engage our learners. This generator allows TeacherMatic to put forward some useful suggestions of content and activities which could potentially add extra dimensions to your courses. Keywords: Course; Improvements; Better; Inspiration; Planning; Suggestions; Ideas; Content; Activities; Engage;
1 step
Draft a SMART action plan that can be used in an appraisal session following, for example, a lesson observation in a named faculty and subject specialism. The action plan generated is based on observed strengths and areas for improvement and will provide the observer with action plan goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Keywords: CPD; SMART; Professional; Action; Development; Appraisal; Strengths; Improvement; Weaknesses;
1 step
It is essential that AI results are looked at and interpreted critically. This generator will help you do so, based partly on your (or your learners') situation. Keywords: Critical; Thinking; Ethical; Results; Artificial; Intelligence; AI; A.I.;
1 step
This generator will draft a policy template on a specific topic. The resultant template must be enhanced manually and should be checked by all relevant parties and be subject to legal approval where relevant. Policies may vary between types of organisation, so selection of the organisation is possible. Keywords: Draft; Policy; Statement; Practice; Undertaking; Organisation;
1 step
This generator will help you to write an email - a frequent administrative task which often needs care and tact. You may want to encourage, cajole, instruct or even warn the recipient so given some basic information, you will be offered a draft email to be personalised and edited as necessary before sending. Omit personally identifying data if you can - add these in your own email application. Keywords: Email; Send; Letter; Communication; Mail; Draft;
1 step
Writing an email, or responding to one, is not always easy. This generator will analyse the text of an email you have received and suggest a draft reply for you to adapt to the exact situation. Keywords: Email; Reply; Respond; Answer; Send; Letter; Communication; Mail; Draft;
1 step
This generator will create an event invitation for use in marketing or publicity or for sending to students, parents and carers. The invitation is on a named topic allowing the user to enter a location of the event with a date and time and a key person involved along with their contact details. Users can also provide details of the benefits to readers of attending the event. Keywords: Event; Invite; Invitation; Attend; Marketing; Publicity; Welcome; Contact;
1 step
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) used simply to be questions which were asked on a regular basis, and the relevant answers. It is now common for FAQs also to be questions which an organisation might expect to receive, to be posted with the answers online or elsewhere, in order to save time both for a potential customer and for the organisation, helping to avoid misunderstandings and spurious questions. Keywords: FAQ; frequently; Asked; Questions; Help; Guidance;
1 step
This is an extremely simple but very useful tool! Want to check up on a way to help learners demonstrate their grasp of a topic? Or find out the best way to use Bloomâs Taxonomy? Or brush up your whiteboard techniques? This is the generator for you! Simply tell TeacherMatic what you want help with, and up will come some useful assistance. Keywords: How; Process; Help; Guidance; Steps; Instructions;
1 step
The generator will provide the observer with a draft set of prompt questions to take into the session being observed. For example 'how effectively did the teacher provide individualised feedback to students on âŠ', or 'was the teacher mindful of health and safety precautions which must be taken when âŠ'. Keywords: Observe; Observation; Watch; Critique; Questions; Staff; CPD;
1 step
This generator provides exemplar feedback that an observer could use when discussing or writing up the outcomes of a session in a named subject specialism. The feedback generated is based on the observed strengths and areas for improvement which the observer has noted in the teacher's practice. The generator will provide an observer with some example observation feedback, but the result must be edited by you! Keywords: Observation; Observe; Staff; Feedback; Lesson; Discussion; Improve; CPD;
1 step
A likert survey has a specific format. Each question is phrased as a statement so that the response can be one of a range of values (usually from five to seven) registering the participantâs agreement or disagreement, often in the format âStrongly Agreeâ down to âStrongly Disagreeâ or something similar. This generator will create a survey based on Likert principles. Keywords: Survey; Likert; Agree; Disagree; Opinion; Range;
1 step
This generator uses Egan's recognised three stage "Skilled Helper' model to provide a series of prompts and questions that a mentor can use when conducting a mentoring CPD session with a colleague. Stage 1: Exploration Stage 2: New understanding Stage 3: Action planning Keywords: Mentoring; Egan; Skilled Helper; Advise; Advice; CPD; Staff;
1 step
This generator will create a newsletter item for use in marketing, publicity or in a staff e-zine. The user provides a named topic or event, some additional details, a date and a key person involved along with their job role. The generator will usually create a quote from the key person which can easily be replaced by an authentic quote from the person involved in the event. Keywords: News; Newsletter; Announcement; Publicity; Marketing; Handout; Flyer;
1 step
This generator will create a last-minute, urgent press release for use in marketing or publicity on a named topic allowing the user to enter details of an event with a date and time and a reason the message is an urgent one. The user can also provide a key person involved along with their contact details. Keywords: Press; Release; Announcement; Event; Marketing; publicity; Contact;
1 step
This generator will create a last-minute, urgent press release for use in marketing or publicity on a named topic allowing the user to enter details of an event with a date and time and a reason the message is an urgent one. The user can also provide a key person involved along with their contact details. Keywords: Press; Release; Announcement; Event; Marketing; publicity; Contact; Urgent;
1 step
This generator will suggest a list of tasks to be undertaken in preparation for a forthcoming project or event, to help you plan the key tasks which need to be addressed and to suggest how to deal with areas of priority. The result will form a useful basis for ensuring that you are fully prepared for whatever circumstances may be on the cards. You may also find it useful in preparing a chronological (âGANTTâ) chart. Keywords: Project; Planning; Event; Gantt; Tasks; Preparation;
1 step
Reference writing is a very personal skill requiring careful attention and can be required for numerous reasons and purposes. TeacherMatic will not produce the finished reference, but can supply you with an outline text on which to base your further editing. Keywords: Reference; Draft; Personal; Statement; Job;
1 step
This generator is particularly aimed at suggesting a reflective practice routine to help learners think critically about an experience or other event connected with their learning, but has many other applications as well. It is based on Graham Gibbsâ 1980s reflective learning framework which is widely used in many fields to promote a structured approach to learning from experiences. Keywords: Reflective; Practice, Reflection; Routine; Framework; Gibb; Experience;
1 step
Keywords: Learner; Student; Report; Summary; Reference; Personal;
1 step
Planning to research can be a more daunting project that might at first appear. Adopting a logical and recognisable research methodology to apply to the subject of study will not only assist the researcher but will also help to give credibility to any reported outcomes. This generator allows you to consider some research methods for yourself or for your learners. Keywords: Research; Methods; Methodology; Discover; Find; Logical; Study;
1 step
This generator will create a LinkedIn and Facebook post and an XÂ Tweet for use in marketing or publicity or as an announcement to students or parents. The item can have a named topic allowing the use to enter further details with a date and time and provide a key contact person involved along with contact phone number and email address. Keywords: Social; Media; Twitter; x; Linked; Facebook; Instagram; Post; Event; Announcement; Publicity; Marketing;
1 step
SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) was introduced into English primary schools in 2013 and has since been amended. This generator will analyse a piece of text and give you an opinion on the SPaG qualities and on the writing style more generally. As an automated process, it will try to give you guidance, but does not take the place of formal SPaG evaluation by teachers. Keywords: Spag; Analyse; Style; Text; Spelling; Punctuation; Grammar; English; Writing;
1 step
Breaking a task down into discrete individual steps can help you or your learners to tackle a task in a logical way. This generator will try to help you work out the steps required for any task. Keywords: Steps; Instructions; Guide; Logical; Task; Rules;
1 step
An alternative to âlearning objectivesâ which are widely used to specify the purpose of a lesson orbactivity. Â Steps2Success asks what you want learners to know and do by the end of lesson or learning activity in general terms and produces a formal statement identifying exactly what leaners need to KNOW and DO, what they need to SHOW to demonstrate learning and finally what can learners do to IMPROVE their knowledge and skill. Keywords: Steps; Success; Learning; Show; Demonstrate; Improve;
1 step
When you want to know what people think about a course, or about the lunches in the canteen, or where they would like to visit on an Arts trip or whether changing the length of the learning day is a good idea, a well-written survey is essential. This generator will give you the basis of a survey which you can then amend to meet your exact needs. Keywords: Survey; Response; Opinion; Ask; Answer; Question;
1 step
TeacherMatic has a number of tools to create quizzes and questions to help gauge learning. The Very Short Answers generator will suggest a number of questions, each with one or more single word (or short phrase) answers. This can be very useful when leading a brainstorming session as it will give you a number of possible words to âseedâ class suggestions. Keywords: Questions; Answers; Quiz; Test; Assess; Measure; Brainstorm;
1 step
Worksheets can be a useful activity to help reinforce knowledge and to gauge learning. TacherMatic offers an easy way to draft a worksheet on any subject. Results are text based, so you may want to copy or export the result into a format in which you can edit the layout, and you may want to add pictures to make the worksheet engaging. Suggested answers will be shown at the end of the draft but can be removed by editing. Keywords: Worksheet; Quiz; Assess; Reinforce;
1 step
This generator will help you devise a series of lessons based on a descriptive title for your scheme and taking account of extra guidance from one or more specific topics. Keywords: Primary; Lessons: Sessions; Scheme; Planner; Pupils; Ages; Teach;
1 step
This generator will help you devise a series of lessons on a particular subject by taking some text as its main source. This is particularly useful when you want to use a curriculum specification specification, in which case you can open the webpage or document and copy the the relevant text, then paste it into the generator so that TeacherMatic can align the result with the requirements. Keywords: Primary; Lessons: Scheme; Planner; Pattern; Curriculum; Text; Specification;
1 step
This generator will come up with a number of suggestions for classroom and outdoor activities. In addition to the main title of the session you can add particular topics you want to cover, and the age of your pupils. You can also ask for at least one of the activities to focus on a specific cross-curricular skill such as reading, writing, numbers or digital. Keywords: Primary; Activity; Activities; Lesson: Session ; Planner; Pupils; Ages; Teach; Classroom; Outdoor; Cross Curricular;
1 step
This generator will draft a plan for your lesson. In addition to the main title of the session It also takes into account particular topics you want to cover, and the age of your pupils. You should tell TeacherMatic how long the lesson should last, and you can (if you wish) focus on a specific cross curricular skill, which is useful if you want to include particular curriculum needs. Keywords: Primary; Lesson: Session ; Planner; Pupils; Ages; Teach;
1 step
Using poems as a basis for a particular session, for seeding reading and writing development, and sometimes for pure fun, can be a great addition to your classroom activities. But how do you find just the poem you need? This generator is here to help. It can even help you find that elusive poem from which you can only remember a few lines. Keywords: Primary; Lesson: Poems; Poetry; Verse; Fun; Writer; Reading; Writing; Planner; Pupils;
1 step
Do you need a project to reinforce learning or to check how your pupils are getting on with a particular subject? This generator will come up with one or more suggestions for individual or group projects in response to some basic details, taking account of the age of your pupils. You can also ask for at least one of the activities to focus on a specific cross-curricular skill such as reading, writing, numbers or digital. Keywords: Primary; Lesson; Projects; Ideas; Activities; Cross Curricular;
1 step
Allowing pupils to take the lead on their own learning can be enabling and exciting. The Forest School movement encourages this approach, as do some in Montessori education. This generator can draft scenarios in which your pupils help to guide their own learning journey, while you just provide resources and advice and help if needed. We recommend you research the subject of child-led learning for yourself before using this generator. Keywords: Primary; Child-led; Forest School; Scenario; Own;
1 step
You know that moment when a pupil brings up a topic theyâd like to discuss, or something theyâve seen in the news? You know you need to take this on board, but sometimes it can be difficult to find a sensitive way of dealing with something, especially if you want the whole group to be involved. This generator can give you a few clues about how to tackle unexpected topics when they arise. Keywords: Primary; Concern; Worry; Help; Guidance; Unexpected; Support; Sensitive; News;
1 step
Worksheets can be a useful activity to help reinforce knowledge and to gauge learning. TeacherMatic offers a way to draft a worksheet on any subject. Choose various types of activities to include in the worksheet, or let TeacherMatic select them. TeacherMatic results are text based, so you will probably want to copy or export the draft into a format in which you can edit the layout, and you may want to add pictures to make the worksheet engaging. Keywords: Primary; Quiz; Questions; Worksheet;
1 step
Whether you want to find some books to help you tackle a topic, to encourage pupils to learn independently or just to improve their reading, this generator will search for what you need. It will do its best to match the results with the reading age of your pupils, and will normally only include books which were published in or are easily available in the U.K. and which you can find through your local library or online. Keywords: Primary; Book; Literature; Handbook; Guide; Story; Reading; Library
1 step
Want some questions to use in class? Perhaps to check knowledge or understanding, or to widen a topic into areas you may not have covered? This generator will suggest a number of questions (and suggest the answers for your own use!). It takes into account the particular topic you want to cover, and the age of your pupils and offers closed or open questions. Keywords: Primary; Questions; Quiz; Game; Answers; Assess; Learn; Pupils;
1 step
Would you like some ideas of games and activities which will expend a bit of energy - hopefully the childrenâs energy and not too much of yours! Get some ideas here. In general this generator will favour non-competitive games, but there may be a mixture of competitive and non-competitive. Keywords: Energy; Expend; Activities; Games; Competition; Non-Competitive;
1 step
This generator will draft a short speech lasting up to about 6 or 7 minutes, or you can use the generated sections as the basis for a much longer presentation. The AI system currently limits the length of the speech to around 800 words - this will be increased in due course. Keywords: Speech, Talk, Presentation, Draft, Ideas, Stage, Microphone
1 step
Wondering how to inspire your learners about a subject they really have little interest in? Get some suggestions of activities which could be used to engage and inspire them. Keywords: Inspire; Inspiration; Ideas; Bored; Disinterested; Activities; Fun; Engage;
1 step
Sometimes it is useful to have a set of random data in tabular form. You might need this for setting an exam question or testing a hypothesis or many other purposes. This generator creates a table of random items, using fabricated data. Keywords: Data; Random; Set; Table; Example; Sample;
1 step
This generator will create an outline funding bid. It may sometimes produce a result which can be used as generated, or may be used as guidance to complete sections of a form for manual or online submission. Keywords: Funding; Bid; Funds; Grant; Foundation;
1 step
See an idea, theory or concept within the framework of a specific topic. This can help to clarify concept or topic or both. For example, take a familiar saying like "All that glisters is not gold" and view it in the context of booking a holiday package. Keywords: Context; Understand; Explain; View; Circumstance;
1 step
This generator will suggest some questions to be put to a candidate or applicant before or at interview. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
1 step
This generator will suggest some tasks to be set for a candidate or applicant before or at interview. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
1 step
This generator will draft a job description which is more detailed that that from the Job Advert generator. You can base it on very limited information and let TeacherMatic draft a description, or you can more detailed background information if you wish. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
1 step
This generator will draft a job advert. You can base the advert on very limited information and let TeacherMatic make recommendations, or you can more detailed background information if you wish. In order to avoid contravening any employment legislation, the draft will not include and age, ethnicity, disability or similar statements - if these are relevant they should be added manually. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
1 step
The Big Question generator utilises the 'Discipline Wheel' to produce questions and activities from the selected disciplines in order to tackle any broad question or challenge. Enter a challenge or question and select disciplines to take into account in the response. By default a predefined set of disciplines are included but teachers can remove all of these and add their own. Keywords: Big question; disciplines; Wheel; Challenge; Concept; Epistemic Insight; EI;
1 step