Tools to help professional development planning and tasks
Draft a SMART action plan that can be used in an appraisal session following, for example, a lesson observation in a named faculty and subject specialism. The action plan generated is based on observed strengths and areas for improvement and will provide the observer with action plan goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Keywords: CPD; SMART; Professional; Action; Development; Appraisal; Strengths; Improvement; Weaknesses;
1 step
Generate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets to help meet your goals. Specific: Be clear about the desired outcome. Measurable: Decide how to judge whether the outcome has been achieved. Attainable: Be realistic - is the outcome actually possible? Relevant: Does the desired outcome fit within or be related to your goal? Time-bound (sometimes expressed as time-based): When must the targets be met, or what is the timescale? Keywords in content.
13 steps
This generator is particularly aimed at suggesting a reflective practice routine to help learners think critically about an experience or other event connected with their learning, but has many other applications as well. It is based on Graham Gibbs’ 1980s reflective learning framework which is widely used in many fields to promote a structured approach to learning from experiences. Keywords: Reflective; Practice, Reflection; Routine; Framework; Gibb; Experience;
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This generator provides a series of prompts which will guide someone conducting a staff appraisal in a named subject specialism and topic, providing the appraiser with a set of prompt questions to take into the appraisal session. Keywords: Appraisal; Teaching; Standards; Interview; Staff; Prompts;
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The generator will provide the observer with a draft set of prompt questions to take into the session being observed. For example 'how effectively did the teacher provide individualised feedback to students on …', or 'was the teacher mindful of health and safety precautions which must be taken when …'. Keywords: Observe; Observation; Watch; Critique; Questions; Staff; CPD;
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This generator provides exemplar feedback that an observer could use when discussing or writing up the outcomes of a session in a named subject specialism. The feedback generated is based on the observed strengths and areas for improvement which the observer has noted in the teacher's practice. The generator will provide an observer with some example observation feedback, but the result must be edited by you! Keywords: Observation; Observe; Staff; Feedback; Lesson; Discussion; Improve; CPD;
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This generator uses Egan's recognised three stage "Skilled Helper' model to provide a series of prompts and questions that a mentor can use when conducting a mentoring CPD session with a colleague. Stage 1: Exploration Stage 2: New understanding Stage 3: Action planning Keywords: Mentoring; Egan; Skilled Helper; Advise; Advice; CPD; Staff;
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This generator uses the recognised 'GROW' (Goal: Reality: Options: Way Forward) model to provide a series of prompts and questions that a coach can use when conducting a coaching CPD session with a colleague. The generator will use the recognised GROW coaching model to provide a framework of prompts for the coaching session. Kwywords: GROW; Coaching; Prompts; Ideas; CPD; Development; Professional; Staff; Improve;
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Reference writing is a very personal skill requiring careful attention and can be required for numerous reasons and purposes. TeacherMatic will not produce the finished reference, but can supply you with an outline text on which to base your further editing. Keywords: Reference; Draft; Personal; Statement; Job;
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Planning to research can be a more daunting project that might at first appear. Adopting a logical and recognisable research methodology to apply to the subject of study will not only assist the researcher but will also help to give credibility to any reported outcomes. This generator allows you to consider some research methods for yourself or for your learners. Keywords: Research; Methods; Methodology; Discover; Find; Logical; Study;
1 step
When you want to know what people think about a course, or about the lunches in the canteen, or where they would like to visit on an Arts trip or whether changing the length of the learning day is a good idea, a well-written survey is essential. This generator will give you the basis of a survey which you can then amend to meet your exact needs. Keywords: Survey; Response; Opinion; Ask; Answer; Question;
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A likert survey has a specific format. Each question is phrased as a statement so that the response can be one of a range of values (usually from five to seven) registering the participant’s agreement or disagreement, often in the format “Strongly Agree” down to “Strongly Disagree” or something similar. This generator will create a survey based on Likert principles. Keywords: Survey; Likert; Agree; Disagree; Opinion; Range;
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Need some expert advice from a plumber, or a sociologist, or a chef, or a copywriter? TeacherMatic will try to help. The results may not give you the whole picture, but they should form a good starting point for your research. If you want to hear from a named individual (or group of individuals) you can use the "Ask Someone Famous" generator instead. Check with a real expert if any safety critical matters are involved. Keywords: Expert; Expertise; Technique; Specialist; Process; How; Steps;
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This generator will suggest some questions to be put to a candidate or applicant before or at interview. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
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This generator will suggest some tasks to be set for a candidate or applicant before or at interview. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
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This generator will draft a job description which is more detailed that that from the Job Advert generator. You can base it on very limited information and let TeacherMatic draft a description, or you can more detailed background information if you wish. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
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This generator will draft a job advert. You can base the advert on very limited information and let TeacherMatic make recommendations, or you can more detailed background information if you wish. In order to avoid contravening any employment legislation, the draft will not include and age, ethnicity, disability or similar statements - if these are relevant they should be added manually. Keywords: Job; Employment; Staff; Advert; HR; Human Resources;
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