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Draft a Self Assessment Report

Coming soon

1 step

Draft a Quality Improvement Plan

Coming soon

1 step

Internal Quality Assurance

This IQA generator is designed to support IQA teams with the internal verification of assessment decisions. It will support your Internal Quality Assurance procedures by reviewing assessment decisions and feedback given by assessors to students within your organisation, and generating feedback to the assessor. The process works in three stages and will generate clear and impartial feedback and guidance to the assessor. Your IQA team can then review this and edit it to fit into your existng IQA

1 step

Meeting-based content generator

transcript from a YouTube video, or by setting up transcription during a Google Meet or Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting. You can find details of how to do this for many types of source material at the bottom of this window.

1 step

Prepare a Presentation

How to prepare a presentation using TeacherMatic and then convert it into a formatted PowerPoint slideshow. Please note that converting to PowerPoint requires recent versions of both Word and PowerPoint to be available.

11 steps

Likert Survey Creator

A likert survey has a specific format. Each question is phrased as a statement so that the response can be one of a range of values (usually from five to seven) registering the participant’s agreement or disagreement, often in the format “Strongly Agree” down to “Strongly Disagree” or something similar. This generator will create a survey based on Likert principles. Keywords: Survey; Likert; Agree; Disagree; Opinion; Range;

1 step


It can be useful to be able to summarise or precis a piece of text. This may be in order to give learners a more concise instruction or source text to work on than the original example. It may also be helpful if you wish to check the accuracy of the source text, since in summarising it, TeacherMatic may find - and repeat - errors that you are not noticing in the source. Keywords: Summarise; Summary; Precis; Shorten; Simplify;

1 step

PowerPoint Presentation

This tool produces a draft PowerPoint presentation in PPTX file format, including some text for each slide and, where possible, can include images to support the text. Please note that this generator uses one generation for each slide produced. See also the Slideshow Generator, which produces draft text-only content for a slideshow presentation. Keywords: Slideshow; Slides; PowerPoint; PPT; Speaker; Notes; Presentation;

17 steps

SMART Targets

Generate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets to help meet your goals. Specific: Be clear about the desired outcome. Measurable: Decide how to judge whether the outcome has been achieved. Attainable: Be realistic - is the outcome actually possible? Relevant: Does the desired outcome fit within or be related to your goal? Time-bound (sometimes expressed as time-based): When must the targets be met, or what is the timescale? Keywords in content.

13 steps

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